Laura Jackson Endowed Lectureship in World Issues
The Laura Blanche Jackson Lectureship in World Issues was established in 1995 by Laura's parents, Frank and Darba Jackson and many other family members and friends. In memory of Laura, the lectureship is dedicated to piecing together a larger picture of the individual issues that contribute to today's world affairs.
Jeff Polet, Ph.D. | September 23 at 7:00 | Alexander Reading Room
"Getting What We Deserve: Lapsed Leadership, Global Crises, and Our Ethical Expectations"
Jeff Polet is Director of the Ford Leadership Forum at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation and Professor of Political Science emeritus at Hope College. He received his B.A. from Calvin College and his Ph.D. at The Catholic University of America. He is a Senior Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center and a Board member of The Front Porch Republic. He has published on a wide variety of topics including 20th-century European thought, American political thought with a special emphasis on the Constitutional period, education, Constitutional law, literature and politics, religion and politics, and others. Besides his scholarly writing, his essays have appeared in more popular venues such as The Hill, The American Conservative, First Things, The Spectator, and others. He and his wife of 40 years successfully launched three children into the adult world.
Previous lecture presenters include:
- Kyle Harper (2023)
- Dr. Hal Brands (2022)
- Dr. Katharine Hayhoe (2021)
- Mr. Victor Boutros (2019)
- Mr. Kenneth M. Pollack (2018)
- Mr. George Walden (2017)
- Professor Timothy Samuel Shah (2016)
- Professor Robert P. George (2015)
- The Honorable Andrew H. Card, Jr. and Mr. Terry Teachout (2014, Lecture held in Spring and Fall)
- Dr. Peter Berkowitz (2013)
- Dr. David M. Lampton (2012)
- Dr. Michael Mandelbaum (2011)
- Dr. George Weigel (2010)
- Dr. Andrew C. Kuchins (2008)
- Dr. Robert J. Lieber(2007)
- Prof. Charles Hill (2006)
- Dr. Harvey Sicherman(2005)
- Dr. Michael Mandelbaum (2004)
- Dr. Beth Dougherty (2003)
- Prof. H. William Brands(2002)
- Mr. Paul Bell (2001)
- Ms. Julianna Lindsey and Dr. Harlan Cleveland (2000)
- Ms. Elena Poniatowska Amor (1999)
- Dr. Grant T. Hammond (1998)
- Dr. Paul Mojzes (1997)
- Dr. Gordon Smith (1996)
- Sir Robert Rhodes James (1995)