The Honors College Launches Undergraduate Research Assistant Program

May 27, 2022

Earlier this spring, Honors College Dean Douglas Henry announced the launch of the Undergraduate Research Assistant Program. This new program, which directly supports Pro Futuris and Illuminate, will provide support for research productive faculty and give Honors College students the opportunity to learn and be mentored as they assist professors.

“The benefits of undergraduate contribution to faculty research include their own mentorship in critical inquiry, discovery, reflection, collaborative analysis, and sound communication,” Henry said. “Faculty likewise benefit from high-ability students’ keen insights and work. This program will enable our research faculty to complete more and better work while helping Honors College students succeed at higher levels, both now and in the next stages of their education or professional life.”

Faculty members can apply for an Undergraduate Research Assistant by completing a one-page application detailing their intended research project. Once approved by the Dean’s Office, a position will then be available for applications from students in good standing with the Honors College.

“The Research Assistant Program is an innovative new program launched by the Honors College,” Honors Program Director and Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Elizabeth Corey said. “While many universities and departments have similar programs for graduate students, this undergraduate program allows students to try out the research process with a specific faculty member, either pursuing interests they may have already, or developing interests they did not yet know they had.”

This paid opportunity will allow students to invest 5-15 hours a week with a faculty member as they learn about various research methodologies and aid in meaningful research.

“Honors College students are always desiring ways to be more involved with our faculty,” Associate Director of Enrollment Management Erin Stamile said. “This program will undoubtedly benefit our faculty and strengthen our students as they prepare for life beyond Baylor.”

If you would like to learn more about this program, please click here.


For media inquiries, please contact Emily Clark, BA ’14 | (254) 710-8486.


The Honors College at Baylor University unites four innovative interdisciplinary programs – the Honors Program, University Scholars, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core and Great Texts – with a shared commitment to providing undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue questions that often fall between the cracks of the specialized disciplines by investigating the writings of scientists along with the writings of poets, historians and philosophers. For more information, visit