Recent Getterman Scholars Alumni Reflect on Their Honors College Journey
Every year, the Honors College grants a select number of full-tuition scholarships through the prestigious Getterman Scholars Program. As three Getterman Scholars recently completed their journey at Baylor, the Honors College invited them to share reflections on their transformative experiences.

(L to R) Jenna Fitzgerald, Abigail Reed and Caleb Skinner
Jenna Fitzgerald
“My experience as a Getterman Scholar helped me discern my vocation in law and pursue it wholeheartedly. I had not been certain of my calling before coming to Baylor, but through meaningful coursework, prayer, and honest conversations with faculty and friends, I discovered my desire to give back through law. I am eager to explore the field further, with all the lessons in drive and faith that this program has afforded me.
"I have always believed in the value of a holistic liberal arts education that enables people to grow not only into successful professionals, but also into thriving citizens, family members, and children of God. Thanks to its well-ordered mission and passionate mentorship, the Honors College has given me exactly that. I could not have asked for a more formative undergraduate education.
"If I could give one piece of advice to incoming Gettermans, it would be to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, but to remain humble and grateful through it all. Being a part of this program is a phenomenal opportunity, but it comes with a responsibility to serve, lead, and walk with the Lord. When it comes to this program, you will get out as much as you put in."
After graduation plans: Attending law school at Washington University in St. Louis.
Abigail Reed
"I cannot exaggerate the impact of the Honors College on my education. The students and faculty in this corner of Baylor are exceptional in their faith and scholarship. The University Scholars program allowed me to take courses in many different subject areas and explore the things I am passionate about. This program has truly changed me for the better.
"The Getterman Scholars Program has so deeply blessed me, and now I can look towards the future with the knowledge and skills I have gained and seek to pay it forward. Being a Getterman allowed me to learn and grow in college, soaking in meaningful time with friends and mentors without worrying about finances. This experience surpassed all my expectations.
"If I could encourage incoming Gettermans it would be to choose a few groups or places to really pour into and invest in those things well. It is our job to be faithful in what the Lord puts before us, but He will bring the fruit at the right time and it will be beautiful fruit!"
After graduation plans: Interning with Mission Waco for the summer and heading abroad in the fall to teach English in Southeast African schools with a non-profit called Village Schools International.
Caleb Skinner
"My experience as a Getterman has shaped my understanding of my calling. As I go off and (hopefully) do exciting things in the field of statistics, I know my life is not about me. My calling is not primarily to develop interesting new mathematical models or statistical methods, it is to show Christ’s love to those around me and abide in Him. My studies as a Getterman scholar emphasized this and solidified this understanding in my heart.
"My time in the Honors College has formed my values and understanding of this world in a way that my major could not. Through the honors courses I took, the guest lectures I attended, and the honors friends I engaged with I have been equipped to ask deep questions and see my life as a small piece in a broader Christian framework. I credit so much of my growth over the past four years to the Honors College.
"My advice to incoming Getterman Scholars is similar to that of any incoming student: enjoy your time at Baylor. These are a wonderful four years of spiritual, academic, and relational formation. Find a good church to invest in, and soak up these experiences with humility."
After graduation plans: Pursuing a Ph.D. in Statistics at Rice University